Weight Watchers Strawberry Pie

  • Yield : 8
  • Servings : 8
  • Prep Time : 30m
  • Cook Time : 2:0 h
  • Ready In : 2:30 h
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For anyone doing Weight Watchers, one piece of this pie is only 4 points. I have made this with all the sugar free jello flavors I have found and they’re all good. My family’s two favorites are the strawberry & the lemon lime.


  • 1 small package sugar free jello
  • 1/2 cup boiling water
  • 2 small yogurts (same flavor as jello; preferably low carb flavors)
  • 1 regular size container Cool Whip
  • 1 Graham Cracker Pie Shell


Step 1

In a large glass bowl, dissolve jello in boiling water; whisk works well for this. After jello is dissolved really well, add the yogurt, one container at a time and mix well with the whisk.

Step 2

Add the Cool Whip, a little at a time, mixing in well with the whisk. Once the cool whip has been mixed in, pour into pie shell.

Step 3

Freeze for a while (couple of hours minimum) and serve chilled. Top with fruit and/or a scoop of Cool Whip.

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