Stew Chicken with Baby Lima Beans

  • Yield : 10
  • Servings : 10
  • Prep Time : 45m
  • Cook Time : 60m
  • Ready In : 1:45 h
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This is a stew made like chicken fricassee; you just add baby lima beans. Very tasty. My grandmother made it all the time. She just made it spicier than I would. But then I loved her spicy food.


  • 2 whole chickens cleaned and cut
  • 2 large onions chopped
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp red pepper
  • 1 bunch scallions green onions chopped
  • 1 medium bell pepper chopped
  • 1 cup oil
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 pound baby limas or 1 can Blue Runner Limas
  • water


Step 1

Make your roux by browning the flour and oil paying careful attention not to over brown it (so it doesn't have that burnt taste); set aside.

Step 2

In a 4 quart Magnalite pot or heavy pot, brown the chicken, onions, scallions, and green bell peppers.

Step 3

Cook until the chicken is golden brown and onions are translucent.

Step 4

Add the roux to the chicken and simmer for 3 minutes or so.

Step 5

Finally add the baby lima beans and enough water to make a stew-like consistency. You could substitute one large can of Blue Runner limas beans; Blue Runner is the best when you don't have time for fresh.

Step 6

Cook on medium fire for one hour; stirring occasionally and adding water if needed. Serve over rice with an old fashioned cucumber and tomato salad. Optional 1/2 cup each of parsley and green onions could be added to the dish just before serving.

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Laplace, Louisiana Louisiana
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