Steak Marinade for Grilling


Cajun’s love their meats grilled on their bar-b-cue pits. Make up a batch of this marinade and you will not need any steak sauce! The ingredients in this recipe are per pound of meat.


  • 4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 4 tbsp Italian Dressing
  • 2 tbsp orange juice
  • 1/2 tsp minced garlic
  • 4 dashes cayenne pepper
  • 5 dashes salt
  • 3 dashes onion powder


Step 1

This recipe will make enough marinade for 1 pound of meat. Multiply ingredients for each additional pound of meat being grilled.

Step 2

Combine all ingredients into a zip lock bag with meat and set in refrigerator over night.

Step 3

Take out one hour before grilling to allow meat to approach room temperature.


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