Old Fashioned Custard Ice Cream

  • Yield : One Gallon
  • Servings : 8 to 10
  • Prep Time : 40m
  • Cook Time : 40m
  • Ready In : 1:20 h
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Perfect for Fourth of July Celebration.
Did you know –  in the process is that the machine actually churns air into the ice cream base as it freezes the mixture. After the machine has stopped either serve the ice cream as soft serve or place in the freezer to completely firm the mixture  before it is scooped. Ice cream freezes as heat is absorbed from it by the ice and salt. Salt is used to lower the temperature of the ice as ice alone is not cold enough to freeze desserts by this method.

To freeze the ice cream use 8 parts ice and 1 part salt.  Finely crushed ice melts faster and hastens the freezing, so it is best to crush the larger pieces.




  • 6 eggs beaten
  • 2 to 3 cups sugar
  • 4 cans Carnation or Pet Evaporated Milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon flour


Step 1

Combine sugar, flour and salt in saucepan.

Step 2

Gradually stir in the milk and vanilla and cook over medium heat approximately 15 minutes or until the thickened, stirring constantly.

Step 3

Temper the eggs by whisking about one cup of hot milk mixture into the beaten eggs. It's important to whisk constantly and vigorously as the hot ingredient is gradually added.

Step 4

Add the egg mixture to the remaining hot mixture stirring constantly and cook one to two minutes.

Step 5

Cool the mixture then put the cooked mixture in refrigerator to chill approximately two hours.

Step 6

Also place cylinder in refrigerator to chill.

Step 7

Place the mixture in the ice cream maker and follow manufactures instructions. To freeze the ice cream use 8 parts ice and 1 part salt. Finely crushed ice melts faster and hastens the freezing, so it is best to crush the larger pieces. Follow ice cream maker manufacturing instructions

Step 8

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Forked Island, Louisiana Louisiana
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