Mama’s Tomato Gravy


This dish is truly a taste of the country. I mean in the country where folks are already sitting at the table drinking coffee and eating breakfast by the time the rooster crows. Mama (Patsy Paul) made countless batches of biscuits and tomato gravy in her lifetime. I miss her every day. When I’ve had a rough day and need to feel close to her, I come home and make biscuits and tomato gravy and I’m reminded of her love for her family and for cooking. I’m sure she learned to make this from her Mother, Carmen Inez Shirley. I know it’s just simple biscuits and gravy but for me this is “the dish” that puts my feet back under my Mama’s table.


  • 4 tbsp bacon or sausage grease
  • 3 tbsp flour rounded
  • 2 cups water approximately
  • 1/2 small can (3 oz) tomato paste
  • Salt and pepper to taste (not too much salt)


Step 1

In a skillet, stir flour into grease over medium-high heat.

Step 2

Let flour cook and brown, keep stirring, don’t let it burn.

Step 3

When roux has browned, pour water into skillet, while stirring with a whisk. Whisk in tomato paste until well blended; when gravy begins to thicken reduce heat to low. Add salt and pepper to taste.

You may need to add a little more water if gravy becomes too thick.

Step 4

Serve with love over hot biscuits along with bacon or sausage for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner.

Some folks use chopped fresh or canned crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce in place of the tomato paste.


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