Kool Aid Pie

  • Yield : 8
  • Servings : 8
  • Prep Time : 10m
  • Cook Time : 0m
  • Ready In : 10m
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This takes 10 minutes to prepare and is delicious. Many Cajun children grew up with Kool Aid and root beer enjoying so many cold and refreshing flavors.


  • 2 cans Eagles Brand condensed milk
  • 2 packages lemonade Kool Aid
  • 2 containers of cool whip
  • 1 graham cracker crust


Step 1

Blend condensed milk and Kool Aid powder together in a bowl. Beat with a mixer until thickened.

Step 2

Fold one container of cool whip into the milk mixture.

Step 3

Put in refrigerator for about an hour until firm.

The author adds - "I also put a lemon slice in the middle and a cherry on the top to garnish, this is optional".


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