Janelle’s Drunken Chicken

  • Yield : 6
  • Servings : 6
  • Prep Time : 15m
  • Cook Time : 50m
  • Ready In : 1:5 h
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Here is the best use for your beer can. Cook your chicken with it. This Cajun Drunken Chicken seasoned with crab-crawfish-shrimp-boil seasoning is sure to be a crowd pleaser. The steam from the beer helps keep the chicken moist.


  • 1 chicken fryer 4 - 5 pounds
  • 1/4 can beer - keep the 8 oz size can
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 large head garlic
  • 3 tbsp crab-crawfish-shrimp boil seasoning
  • salt and pepper seasoning for your chicken


Step 1

Season the chicken inside the cavity and out with your favorite spices.

Step 2

Cut the lemon and onion into small bite size pieces that will fit inside the opening of the beer can.

Step 3

Separate the garlic cloves only; keep the peeling on.

Step 4

Put the lemon, onions, garlic, and shrimp boil in the beer can with 1/4 can of beer.

Step 5

Sit and balance the chicken on top of the beer can. So yes you will need to insert part of the can inside the chicken.

Step 6

Place the chicken in a pot and cook in a 400 degree oven for 30 minutes.

Step 7

Reduce heat to 345 degrees and cook for another 15 minutes

You may need more cooking depending on the size of chicken fryer.

Step 8

Make a gravy by deglazing the drippings.

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Kaplan, Louisiana Louisiana
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