Hot Chocolate

  • Yield : 8 cups
  • Servings : 8
  • Prep Time : 5m
  • Cook Time : 10m
  • Ready In : 15m
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This hot chocolate is one of the things I looked forward to most during the holiday season.  Cold weather outside and delicious hot chocolate inside.  The recipe is quick and easy to make, with little preparation.

This is a great recipe to use with your trusty Magnalite pot, or if making for a party, you can use a slow cooker to keep it warm.  Add a splash of peppermint extract for a little extra holiday flavor.


  • 2 heaping tbsp of cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 (8oz) can evaporated milk
  • 1/2 gallon milk


Step 1

In a 2qt or larger pot over medium heat, stir together cocoa powder, sugar and can of evaporated milk until hot, but not boiling.

Step 2

Add up to a 1/2 gallon of milk, continue stirring.

Step 3

Heat milk until hot, but not boiling. Remove from heat and serve in mugs when at desired temperature.

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Kaplan, Louisiana Louisiana
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