Heaven Made Famous Cajun Deep Fried Turkey Recipe

  • Yield : 20
  • Servings : 20
  • Prep Time : 15m
  • Cook Time : 42m
  • Ready In : 57m
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From the author: This is a Fried Turkey Recipe everyone will love. Not hot, no weird spices that produce a non-traditional Thanksgiving Turkey Flavor, this recipe is a garlicky, buttery, flavorful original Cajun Deep Fried Turkey. I worked for years perfecting this recipe and it is absolutely the best traditional, original Cajun Deep fried turkey you will every taste until you cook another one.


  • 1 12-lb defrosted turkey preferably not basted or seasoned
  • 1 package Heaven Made Marinade
  • 1 stick butter
  • 12 ounces slightly warm water
  • 1 bottle of Heaven Made All Purpose Seasonings
  • peanut oil for frying


Step 1

Melt the butter in the microwave, add the water and seasonings and mix thoroughly. Inject all of the marinade into every part of your turkey and if possible let sit overnight in the refrigerator. Remove from the refrigerator and allow to warm up for about 30 to 45 minutes before frying.

Step 2

Heat up the peanut oil in your turkey fryer to 350̊ and lower your turkey into the hot oil. The temperature will drop substantially, so crank up the burner until the oil registers a temperature of 325̊ and do your best to keep the temperature of the oil between 300̊- 325̊ for 40 -minutes. While the turkey is frying set up a large baking sheet or pan & lay 2-sheets of heavy duty Aluminum Foil over it.

Step 3

When the time is up remove the turkey from the hot oil and set it onto the foil on its back. Sprinkle the front of the turkey with “Heaven Made Seasonings” and flip the turkey over and sprinkle the back as well. Then pull up the foil around the turkey’s breast and legs and press the foil into the turkey as best you can then flip the turkey over and with the remaining sheet of foil do the same thing so that the turkey is fully covered, you don’t want his backside to get cold do you.

Step 4

Now place the turkey into an empty cooler, since they don’t make a warmer chest and set a timer for at least 20-minutes.

Step 5

When the 20 minutes are up, remove your turkey and put the turkey breast side down in a deep dish pan or something that will hold the juices that are going to be flowing out of the foil when you remove it. Those juices are sure good on some rice but you’ll want to dip your turkey in those juices. Cut the turkey as you desire and enjoy. Save the carcass for Turkey Gumbo. Goes great with Cornbread Dressing, Oyster Dressing, Rice Dressing, Dirty Rice, Corn, Green Bean Casserole, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy.

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Gueydan, Louisiana Louisiana
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