Fresh Sausage Rice and Gravy

  • Yield : 4
  • Servings : 4
  • Prep Time : 15m
  • Cook Time : 60m
  • Ready In : 1:15 h
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One of the most constant classic dish that Cajuns enjoy – rice and gravy! A family favorite.


  • 1 package fresh sausage- pork, beef, venison, turkey, chicken
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic finely minced
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 2 cups rice
  • 2 tsp salt
  • red pepper to taste


Step 1

Cook rice according to package directions. Chop onions and garlic and sauté in oil for about 5 minutes.

Step 2

Add fresh sausage and seasonings. Cook the sausage over medium heat about 5 minutes or so until sausage is browned. (Do not add water yet) When it looks like it's about to burn, flip the sausage and brown. Continue until all sides are brown. You may have to add a small amount of water as you brown the sausage. The sticky glaze will quickly dissolve with a little liquid (deglazing) ;this is the beginning of your gravy.

Step 3

When the sausage is browned on all sides, add 3 to 4 cups of water or enough water to cover the sausage. Cover the pot and simmer until sausage is cooked, adding additional water if needed .

Step 4

If the gravy is not dark enough, cook down again adding more water or darken by adding Carmel Color, Gravy Master, or Kitchen Bouquet.

Step 5

Serve over your cooked rice. Great sides are cantaloupe and smothered okra.


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