French Bread

  • Yield : 2
  • Servings : 15 - 20
  • Prep Time : 1:20 h
  • Cook Time : 25m
  • Ready In : 1:45 h
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Simple  Ingredients  – Super Taste – So worth the effort

Recipe adapted from Memorial Hospital Volunteer cookbook


  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 tablespoon shortening
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 package Fleischmanns Rapid Rise yeast
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 4 cups flour


Step 1

Melt shortening in microwave. Dissolve sugar and salt in warm water, add shortening and mix together.

Step 2

Dissolve yeast in one half cup warm water; add to the water and shortening mixture.

Step 3

Add flour 2 cups at a time.

Step 4

Form into a ball with the spoon right in the bowl; complete the ball shape with hands.

Step 5

Knead dough every 10 minutes for five times.

Step 6

Turned onto breadboard and divide in half. Let stand 10 minutes.

Step 7

Roll each piece into a 9 x 12“ size and roll up like a jelly roll 12 inches long. Pinch edges and place on a greased cookie sheet or French bread pan.

Step 8

Cut 6 to 7 slits in the loaf. Brush with melted butter.

Step 9

Let rise until double in bulk about one hour. Bake at 400° for 25 - 30 minutes.

Step 10

Brush with butter for a soft crust.

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