Easy Chili

  • Yield : 15
  • Servings : 15
  • Prep Time : 15m
  • Cook Time : 1:30 h
  • Ready In : 1:45 h
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This chili is super easy to make and super good..


  • 5 pounds ground beef
  • 1 tbsp McCormick Season All or Cajun Spice
  • 1/4 cup oil for browning
  • 1 package Cajun Trinity or 2 medium chopped onions, 1 stalk celery and 1 medium bell pepper
  • 3 large 15oz cans Hunts Tomato Sauce
  • 6 ounces Tex-Joy Chili Powder
  • 2 cans Pinto Beans optional


Step 1

Sprinkle and season to taste the ground beef with McCormick Season All.

Step 2

Brown the ground beef; set aside, add the trinity to the pot and sauté the trinity. Combine the meat and sautéed trinity and fry down until all is golden brown. Sprinkle the Tex joy Chili Powder over the meat; it will turn a dark red. Add the tomato sauce and cook over medium heat for one hour. If using beans add and cook and additional fifteen minutes.

Water may be added if Chili thickens; beans may be added.

Step 3

Crock-pot method - In a separate pan brown ground beef and lightly saute the onion bell pepper and celery. Place in crock-pot; add the remaining ingredients and cook on low for 4 hours add beans in last 10 minutes of cooking.


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