Crockpot Corn Macque Choux

  • Yield : 1
  • Servings : 3 quarts
  • Prep Time : 60m
  • Cook Time : 5:0 h
  • Ready In : 6:0 h
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Need to freeze fresh corn or want to have macque choux without much stirring so you  can cook other foods?  The best part of using a slow cooker or crock pot is that it’s simple and takes less effort and stirring than stove top cooking.


  • 8 cups fresh corn
  • 1 1/2 onions chopped
  • 1 bell pepper chopped
  • 1 can Rotel tomatoes or 2 - 3 fresh tomatoes chopped
  • salt and black pepper to taste
  • cream or evaporated milk
  • chicken stock (optional)
  • 4 tablespoon butter


Step 1

Shuck the corn, and remove excess silk. Selecting fresh corn with the silk tassel still attached makes cleaning the corn much easier. I shuck the corn by splitting the tassel, opening the husk and pulling back all the leaves and silk all at once; breaking off the stalk, then "wiping" down the corn with my hand to remove the extra silk,

Step 2

Cut the kernels off the cob with a sharp knife or your favorite corn zipper. Run the knife alongside the cob to release the "corn milk"

Step 3

Method One - Melt the butter in the crockpot, then place all ingredients except the cream and or chicken broth into the pot, Cook on high for 5 hours stirring every hour. In the last 30 minutes of cooking, if the corn is dry, add enough cream to make the corn moist but not wet. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cool, place in freezer bags and freeze for plain macque choux, shrimp chicken or crawfish macque choux or corn soup. Or serve it right up. A dash of sugar maybe added to give the corn a sweeter taste.

Step 4

Method Two - Saute the onion and bell pepper in a small amount of oil. After sauteing veggies, place all ingredients except the cream- chicken broth in a crock pot, Cook on high for 5 hours stirring every hour, In the last 30 minutes of cooking, if the corn is dry, add enough cream or chicken stock to make the corn moist but not wet.. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve or cool and place in freezer bags and freeze for your favorite corn dish.. Reduce cooking time to 4 hours as onions and pepper are already sauteed. A dash of sugar maybe added to give the corn a sweeter taste.

Step 5

Freeze - corn macque choux ready to eat when you are.


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Forked Island, Louisiana Louisiana
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