Cake Balls

  • Yield : 30
  • Servings : 30
  • Prep Time : 30m
  • Cook Time : 5m
  • Ready In : 35m
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Yummy take on traditional cake; great for children’s parties. You can also use leftover cake to make this recipe (it doesn’t have to be German Chocolate).


  • German Chocolate cake
  • 2 (12 oz) bags semi-sweet chocolate chip
  • 1 block gulf wax


Step 1

I know that you've been dying to do this. Take your leftover cake and SMUSH it together with your hands to make small balls about the size of a golf ball.

Step 2

In a fondue pot or double boiler, melt the chocolate and gulf wax together. Take a fork or skewer and dip the cake balls in the melted chocolate. Place the balls on wax paper until cooled and firm.

You can make these cake pops by using popsicle sticks to dip the cake balls and leaving them in to serve.

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Crowley, Louisiana Louisiana
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