Recipes With Course: Main Dishes

Crawfish Bisque (with head stuffing)
This dish is a Labor of Love. The stuffed heads are prized when serving this dish…so much so that one of Maw-Maw’s friends would stand by the pot and dish out “your share” of the love. Ingredients60-70 cleaned crawfish heads1 whole medium head of garlic, peeled and ground up1 medium ...
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Bouille – Bouee – Debris
This dish contains most of the variety meats that Cajuns call Debris or Bouee. It consists basically of the organs such as liver, heart, kidneys, tripe, spleen (melt), the honeycomb (la platin), brain, lungs and sweetbreads (pancreas). There are two kinds of sweetbreads: stomach sweetbreads (also known as heart or ...
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Stuffed Flounder
Ingredients4 flounders1 pound crab meat1 pound shrimp1 beaten egg1 juice lemon1/2 cup breadcrumbs more or less2 garlic cloves, minced fine1 tablespoon garlic granules 1 tablespoon onion powder1 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon red pepper1 cup onions1 cup bell pepper8 tablespoons butterDirectionsStep 1In a Teflon coated pan, sauté onion, celery and ...
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Barbecue Bar-b-que Crabs
A nice alternative to boiling crabs.- stuffing can be used to stuff mushrooms and to make shrimp egg rolls Ingredients12 crabs cleaned and seasoned with salt and pepper or your favorite Cajun seasoning1 cup chopped onions1 pound chopped shrimp8 tbsp butter1 tsp Cajun seasoning to taste1/4 cup Parmesan cheeseOne slice ...
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Shrimp and Crab Seafood Rice Casserole
This recipe is one of our old handwritten recipes written down from a dinner party Ingredients1/4 stick of butter (2 tablespoon)1 medium onion chopped1 teaspoon garlic chopped1 rib celery chopped1 can Rotel tomatoes1 can cream of mushroom soup1 cup sliced mushrooms3/4 pound shrimp and 1/2 pound crab meat2 cups cooked ...
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Coosh Coosh aka Couche Couche
A different version of cush cush to quote our author “oooolala so good”. A staple breakfast or supper food of the Cajun Culture – IngredientsLeftover cornbreadbacon greaseiron skilletmilksugar to tasteDirectionsStep 1Take left over cornbread and crumble really smallStep 2Heat up bacon grease in an iron skilletStep 3"Throw" the crumbled cornbread ...
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Priscilla’s Choupique (ShoePick) Patties
Properly called bowfin, the fish carries more aliases than John … trout, cotton fish and in South Louisiana, choupique (pronounced shoe-pick). Like gars, bowfin are bimodal breathers which means they have the capacity to breathe both water and air. Bowfin are considered a “trash fish” by many, but are treasured table fare to some, who find them ...
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Aunt Betty’s Beef Squash Casserole
This recipe has been adapted from Aunt Betty’s recipe adding beef to the original recipe. The Ritz crackers gives this dish it unique delicious flavor. Ingredients2 - 2 1/2 pounds fresh yellow squash - approx 6 cups1 1/2 pounds ground meat4 - 6 slices bacon cut 2 inch pieces1/2 cup ...
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