Cakes & Candy

Fig Bread

Memories are made of this - Her Mom's Beulah Turner fig bread

December 5, 2014

Persimmon Bread III

Persimmon wood is very heavy and hard. It was once used to make golf clubs. Persimmon trees can take up…

November 15, 2014

Persimmon Bread II

Persimmons, the Latin word for it means “food of the gods.” From eHow - Persimmon is an attractive tree with nutritional,…

November 15, 2014
Persimmon Bread I

Persimmon Bread I

Freeze the persimmon pulp and make this bread anytime!

November 15, 2014

Kumquat Bread

Kumquats are tiny fruits with a sweet to sour citrus flavor and a fully edible peel. Kumquats are in season starting in October in South…

November 9, 2014

Pumpkin Bread

A classic pumpkin bread from C&H Sugars. So easy to prepare; turns out real easy - with a flavor that…

October 21, 2014

Pumpkin Custard Pie

From Wikipedia  - A pumpkin is a cultivar of the squash plant, most commonly of Cucurbita pepo, that is round, with…

October 21, 2014

Fig Cobbler with Cheddar Cheese Crust

A cobbler , a deep-dish fruit pie with a rich biscuit crust, usually only on top. would be a perfect dish…

July 19, 2014