Cajun vs. Creole
For many centuries, the word Creole has had as many as 30 known definitions. It is a fact that the word Creole had its origin in Africa, citing the countries of Senegal and Mali. In these areas it is believed that in the 11th century Creolism began. In search of new lands, ideas, riches, knowledge and to dispute the philosophers and historians, men became daring explorers. It is through their discoveries that these varying cultures co-existed in harmony to form the cradle of Creolism. It is documented in the annals of history, that the Creoles of Senegal, whether as freemen or as slaves, traveled directly from Senegal and Mali to Louisiana.
The members of C.R.E.O.L.E., INC. define Creole as individuals of African descent whose cultural roots have been influenced by other cultures such as French, Spanish, and/or Indian. These individuals have traveled through the centuries carrying their oral history, art forms, culinary skills, religious beliefs and kaleidoscope culture.
Designed by Pete Bergeron in 1987 and adopted by C.R.E.O.L.E., Inc., the Flag of Louisiana Creoles represents the cultural melting pot that is the Louisiana Creoles.
The upper left section, a white flour de lis on a blue field, represents Louisiana’s French heritage. On the lower left and upper right sections, West African heritage is represented by the Mali Republic National flag and the Senegal Republic National flag (both green, yellow and red). Spanish Colonial heritage is depicted by the Tower of Castille (gold tower on a red field) on the lower right section. A white cross dividing the four symbols represents the Christian faith accepted by the Muslim and Islamic from Senegal and Mali in Louisiana.
So now it appears the definition is as clear as black and white 😉