Roux á la Microwave

  • Yield : 1 servings
  • Servings : 1 servings
  • Prep Time : 15m
  • Cook Time : 5m
  • Ready In : 20m
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A faster way to make roux. Roux is the foundation for many Cajun dishes. For gumbo, stews, fricassees, or as the old joke goes, you want to make a chocolate cake in Cajun land… first you make a roux.


  • 1 cup flour
  • 3/4 cup oil (Canola or Vegetable)


Step 1

Combine oil and flour in a microwave safe dish that has a handle. I use my Pyrex measuring glass cup. Put cup in microwave and set your timer for 4 minutes. Take cup out and stir the mixture thoroughly. Be careful mixture is very hot! (Since microwaves all heat at various temperatures, you might want to start with 2 or 3 minutes until you get to know how powerful your microwave can be; some actually do it for seven minutes.)

Step 2

Put back in the microwave for 2 one-minute sessions. Stir again thoroughly after each session. At this point, your mixture has already started to turn brown. Continue the sessions now for only 30 seconds at a time, stirring after each session, until the roux is the color of a dark copper penny (darker or lighter, if you prefer). In the last couple of heating sessions, I sometimes only go 20 seconds. You can add 1/2 cup of onions, bell pepper and celery mixture in the last cooking session. I find this step seasons the entire roux.

Transfer to cooking pot and add warm water to hot roux for thickness desired. It is very important to stir thoroughly before starting the next session. The above mixture will make 2 1/2 to 3 gallons of gumbo juice or one large fricassee or stew dish. Many cooks add some onion, bell pepper, and celery mixture right at the end of the cooking process. This spreads the flavor throughout the roux. You can double or triple the recipe and store the unused roux in a covered container in your icebox for weeks to be used for future dishes. Roux can be used to flavor or thicken gravies. The darker the roux, the more flavor. A lighter roux tends to provide more thickening ability to the dish.

A dish made with roux always taste better the next day or, if frozen, the next time it is reheated. If you push the roux too far or the roux smells burnt, the flavor becomes too bitter to use. Throw out and start again.

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Kaplan, Louisiana Louisiana
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